Today will feature an introduction to the history of scholarly editing, an overview of digital workflow strategies, and an introduction to Markdown and XML.


Schedule: Day 1 (Monday, 2 July)

Time Topic Type
12.30 Registration  
13.00 Senate House Library Talk Presentation
14.00 Seminar 1: Brief history of Scholarly Editing Presentation, Discussion
16.00 Seminar 2: Digital Editing Workflow, Transcription with Markdown, Brief Introduction to XML Digital lab

Seminar 1: Brief History of Scholarly Editing


  1. Greetham, “A History of Textual Scholarship” (from the Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship).

  2. A. E. Housman, “The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism” (Art and Error).

  3. G. Thomas Tanselle, “The Varieties of Scholarly Editing” (Greetham, 1995).

Lecture notes

A brief outline of textual scholarship
Housman's thought
Editing and history

Seminar 2: Digital Editing Workflow


  1. David Birnbaum, “An even gentler introduction to XML”.

Lecture notes

Digital Editing Workflow

If I am interested in creating a digital edition, there are two questions that you must ponder at length before proceeding: 1. What is my text model, why am I making it, and what will it be used for? 2. What is my workflow? The answer to (1) will vary quite a bit, depending on your documents, and what kind of edition you would like to produce. We will continue to investigate options to (1) as we move through the course this week. The answer to (2) is a little more straightforward. Since we are concerned with "digital" editing, we need to think in terms of an appropriate computational pipeline.

Transcription Options

The beginning of the pipeline is the flexible text editor. By flexible I mean an editor that is amenable to Web publishing, and uses non-proprietary open source formatting. Many editors have used proprietary word processors to transcribe their editorial material. While that has many virtues (control of type-setting features, to name one), it presents a lot of problems if you are trying to optimize your workflow. E.g., if you transcribe an edition in Microsoft Word, you would have to transform that document (and all of its attendant proprietary code) into XML or HTML in order to make it work as a digital edition on the Web.

For us, the common understanding is that XML files should be our edition files of record. Ideally, all documents would be transcribed in XML from the beginning, but for a variety of reasons that is not always practicable.

First we will look at the most basic of transcription: Markdown. This is lightweight web authoring at its best.

Basic components of a digital edition

Markdown exercise

Access the Markdown slides here.

How do you get from markdown to xml? Two good options are Pandoc and OxGarage. I prefer using Pandoc for my transformations (my favourite probably being the markdown > PDF transformation). OxGarage is also good, and a little bit simpler to use: it can convert several types of documents into TEI-XML.

The other option is to open a new TEI-XML document in oXygen or your preferred text editor and simply copy-and-paste the body of the html file into the <body> element of the xml file.

Brief Introduction to XML

Access the XML slides here.

Proceed to Day 2