## Textual phenomena
1. Structural
2. Renditional
3. Logical & Semantic
4. Analytic
TEI proposes a single element `
` for any such structural subdivision of the body of a text.
Each `
` should have at least a @type attribute, and eventually an `@xml:id`.
The `
` element contains a single text of any kind (which we might call a "work"). This commonly contains the actual text *and* paratextual material. A text **must** contain a ``.
TEI allows you to encode composite texts, either by grouping structurally related texts in a `` element inside ``, or treating them as a corpus of diverse texts, using `` as the outermost element.
A possible sibling of `` can be ``, which is used for: prefaces, an acknowledgement by the author, dedication, abstract, contents: a table of contents (in which case a `` element should divide its structure, and a frontispiece. You can also include a `` element for "backmatter" (appendices, contextual notes, a glossary with `` items, or a bibliography with `` elements, an index, &c).
In memory of a dead white man.
Table of Contents
- I. I came
- II. I saw
- III. I conquered
He did not actually conquer.
To read more about the history of TEI, read James Cummings's ["The Text Encoding Initiative and the Study of Literature"](http://www.digitalhumanities.org/companion/view?docId=blackwell/9781405148641/9781405148641.xml&chunk.id=ss1-6-6&toc.depth=1&toc.id=ss1-6-6&brand=9781405148641_brand)
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